An analysis, documentation and demonstration system for traditional musical instruments at the Cretan Ethnology Museum
HapticSOUND aims at creating an analysis, documentation and demonstration system for traditional musical instruments demonstrated in museums.
HapticSOUND is established in the Cretan Ethnology Museum (CEM), which engages visitors in a personalized cultural experience of transmitting cultural knowledge in an active, pleasant, and creative way. The proposed system acts as a bridge between the visitors of the CEM museum and the cultural heritage of Crete.
The cultural elements presented in the HapticSOUND is a product of study and research of historians, folklorists, musical instrument makers, and musicians, who contributed to the analysis, dissemination and preservation of both tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the field of the traditional Cretan music.
In all HapticSOUND development and operational phases, non-interventional techniques are used so that the integrity of exhibits is maintained. The main idea of HapticSound is based on the triptych:
• briefing
• interaction
• entertainment
The proposed system involves the creation of a demonstrative system for informing CEM visitors about the musical instruments exhibited in the museum, promoting their familiarization with the sounds they produce, the manner they create sounds and how they are constructed.
The visitor’s participation is supported using experiential learning by providing the opportunities to visitors to study the operational model of the musical instrument, which evolves from simple sound creation up to playing musical patterns. Moreover, visitors have the opportunity to study the structural model of the musical instrument which they have to assemble in the context of a 3d puzzle serious game.
Co-financed by Greece and the European Union
Funding: Special Actions “Aquaculture” – “Industrial Material” – “Open Innovation in Culture” under the operational programme “COMPETITIVENESS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION” (EPAnEK), co-financed by National (EPAnEK, National Strategic Reference Framework-NSRF) and EU Funds (European Union, European Regional Development Fund).